Bots — Best Thing About Facebook Currently

Gunkaar Singh
2 min readFeb 27, 2020


Bots on Facebook are very underrated.

These are programmed pages that generate content based on algorithms.

Most of the time, the posts seem so real that you won’t agree that there’s an algorithm at play than an actual human.

How Are They Created?

As per the fandom wiki page, you need to get an access token, code it and then automate the posts.

This link has all the details to get started.

What Are You Talking About?

Here are some of my favorite bots and what they do:

Actual Fact Bot 5338

This bot posts a random fact every day. Totally random facts which you never knew before.

Follow the bot by clicking here. Currently, the page is facing some difficulties posting, meanwhile you check the old posts.


Generates a random comic from The hilarious part about the bot is the comic panels are randomly generated, and it’s very fun to see the results.

Follow the page here.

Mazebot 1230

Mazebot posts a new maze every 3 hours. I solve mazes from here every once in a while. It also posts the solution in the comments.

Follow the bot here.

The World of Bots Is Amazing

There are plenty of bots to follow and there are a variety of options to choose from. There’s a bot that posts Game Of Thrones like sentences, one posts art, one gives you advice if you comment on its posts, and many many more!

Here’s the full list.

Join the Facebook Group Bot Appreciation Society to see the best of bots and connect with people. They are helpful who’ll even help you set up your own bots if you encounter any issues.

Bots are the best thing happened to Facebook, and it’s time you join in on the action.



Gunkaar Singh

Sharing positivity, because the world is too negative to believe in.